SPACES AGM and Technical Meeting
The Annual General Meeting and Technical Presentation, will be held on Thursday 3rd October 2019 at Autodesk Small Heath Business Park, Talbot Way, Birmingham, B10 0HJ.
The draft agenda for the day is:
10:00 – 10:30 – Arrival and refreshments
10:30 – 10:45 – Welcome and get ready for the tours
10:45 – 11:45 – Factory Tour
11:45 – 12:30 – AGM
12:30 – 13:15 – Lunch and networking
13:15 – 14:30 – ‘Future of making’ and industry trends
14:30 – 15:00 – Close
The calling notice was sent to all members who’s subscriptions were up to date on the 19th August 2019. You can see the calling notice, the new By-Laws and the positions that are vacant here. Any member can nominate themselves for the roles. A nomination must be supported and seconded, and received by the SPACES Manager, at least 28 days before the AGM. Nominated candidate must supply an overview of what they would bring to the role and written consent that he or she is willing to serve, if elected. Please let me know by Thursday 5th September 2019 if you are interested.
This meeting is for SPACES members only. You can reserve your place or send your apologies online.
Awards and President’s Dinner
The SPACES Awards and President’s Dinner will be held on Thursday 17th October at the Pentahotel Reading.
The evening commences at 6.45pm with a pre-dinner drinks reception, and the three course dinner is at 7.30pm. Following dinner the winners of the SPACES Awards 2019, including the Civic Building of the Year, will be announced and the 2019 SPACES Yearbook will be unveiled.
Tickets are from £75+VAT for members, £100+VAT for non-members and £750+VAT for a table of 8. For more information and information on booking your place, please see our website. NB We have less than 10 tickets available – if you are planning on attending, please contact Fiona asap.
Yearbook Advertising
We are now looking for advertisers for this year’s Yearbook. A copy of the yearbook goes to all applicants, SPACES members, Local Authority and other key government departments.
The cost of advertising in the SPACES yearbook is:
- Quarter Page £500+VAT
- Half Page £850+VAT
- Whole Page £1500+VAT
- Whole Page and Table for 8 at President’s Dinner & Awards Ceremony £2100+VAT
The FINAL deadline is Friday 6th September 2019. For further information see our website.
SPACES Membership
From the 1st April 2019, SPACES membership rates are
Membership Type | Cost (exc VAT) |
Central or Local Government (ie with a ‘ suffix’ email address) | Free |
For one member (Sole traders and those with employees less than 20) | £100 |
For up to 10 members | £500 |
For up to 25 members | £1000 |
Retired fully and Honorary members | Free |
The SPACES website is currently being updated to allow those with free membership to sign up. Please bear with us whilst this is happening.
Upcoming SPACES Meetings
Eastern Environmental Hub Meeting – Wednesday 18th September 2019
This meeting will be held on Wednesday 18th September 2019 at Concertus’ Offices, Ipswich. There will be technical presentations on Designing for Climate Change (Oliver Ingwall King – AlaskaECO & Nicola Booth – Concertus) and Lighting for Education Spaces (Tim Dunnett – Fagerhult). If you wish to attend, please book your place on the website.
AGM and Technical Meeting – Thursday 3rd October 2019
The SPACES AGM and Technical Meeting will be held on Thursday 3rd October 2019 at Autodesk in Birmingham. The calling notice will be circulated to all members shortly.
You can book your place on our website (members only).
Winter Technical Meeting – Tuesday 3rd December 2019
This meeting will be held on Tuesday 3rd December 2019 in London. There will be a presentation by Hywel Davis, Technical Director at CIBSE on Part L and potential updates. Details are still being finalised but to indicate your interest, please book on the website.
Other Societies’ Conferences
ACES Conference – Improving Lives Through Property Conference
The ACES (Association of Chief Estates Surveyors) Annual Conference will take place this year on the Isle of Wight on the 19th and 20th September.
ACA Conference ‘Collaborating to manage risk and delivery’
The ACA (Association of Consultant Architects) conference will take place on the 1st November at Greenwich, London.
Members enquiries
School Condition Surveys
David Dangerfield, Somerset County Council asks
At what frequency other LA’s carry out a full school condition survey please? There appears to be no guidance on frequency from the EFA that I can find.
We have historically worked on a 12 month period but speaking with surveying firms there appears to be scope to extend frequencies…..just interested in what others do please?
If you are able to help please email David Dangerfield.
Following on from this enquiry we had a response from the DFE.
A colleague shared your recent SPACES member’s enquiry on school condition surveys with me. I work in the Capital Directorate at the Department for Education, and we published the Good Estate Management for Schools (GEMS) guidance in April 2018.
The GEMS guidance sets out the policies, processes and documents that schools, academies and multi-academy trusts need to consider when managing their estates. This includes some advice on condition surveys – these normally cover 5-year planning periods for the purpose of strategic estate management, but we also advise that the frequency of condition surveys will depend on the condition, age and type of buildings.
Matthew Buswell, Leicestershire Council asks
As part of a feasibility to consider the refurbishment or replacement of a SCOLA Type 3 primary school building, I have been asked comment on the structures longevity and ease of change of layout, for its new use as a specialist school.
The building has a wood wool slab deck and walls are clad using concrete panels.
Has anyone carried out a similar exercise you are willing to share, or can comment on the “life expectancy”, and flexibility of the layout of this form of construction to suit its new use.
If you are able to help please email Matthew Buswell
Thank you to all those that respond to enquiries.
Building a safer future: proposals for reform of the building safety regulatory system
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government sought views on proposals for a radically new building and fire safety system which puts residents’ safety at its heart.
The consultation is closed but please see links to Institute responses.
New ways of working
Are you or do you know some-one who could be involved more with running SPACES? We are reviewing the way we run the society, organise events and keep in touch with members and need support from a wider range of people.
If you have any skills in the following areas and would be willing to contribute then please get in touch:
- Events management
- Web-site updating
- Financial planning (overview)
- Financial management (day to day)
- Communication and networking with members
It could just be a few hours a week or month and some roles could offer remuneration.
If you are interested then please e-mail Andrew Rowe, President or Telephone 01473 316 590