Members Only Technical Meeting
There will be a joint Technical Meeting with CIBSE HCNE at the Trinity Bell, London on Wednesday 7th December, followed by a Christmas Buffet.
The presenter will Hywel Davies, Technical Manager at CIBSE, and the presentation will be covering the Building Safety Act.
From Hywel’s article in the CIBSE Journal ‘Time to act on safety‘.
The Building Safety Act, which became law more than six months ago, is the most fundamental reform of the regulation of building work in England and Wales since World War II.
It establishes the Building Safety Regulator (BSR), with a statutory duty to exercise its powers to ‘[secure] the safety of people in or about buildings in relation to risks arising from buildings, and [improve] the standard of buildings’.
It also allows competence requirements to be imposed in relation to ‘any building work’ regulated by the Building Act.
There are a couple of spaces available. If you are a member of CIBSE HCNE or SPACES and wish to attend, please email Fiona by 5:00pm on Tuesday 6th December 2022
For more info, please see our website.
Summary of what’s been happening
Useful Information
(Follow SPACES on LinkedIn for updates)
LABC Technical Seminars (Roadshows)
You can join for free LABC Technical Seminars (also known as Technical Roadshows) where you will hear from industry experts, exchange ideas and have your questions answered by local building control teams and the LABC team. Seminars/Webinars running through until May.
See here for more information.
Facilities Management Strategy
From the Government Property Function (GPF), the Facilities Management Strategy provides Government departments with direction and guidance to ensure the highest quality facilities management services.
See here for more information.
Proposals for how developers would pay to fix unsafe buildings have been set out today (22 November 2022) by the government as it moves a step closer to imposing its new Building Safety Levy. This consultation seeks views on the design and implementation of the Building Safety Levy
and closes at 11:45pm on 7 February 2023.
See here for more information and here for the consultation.
The Department for Levelling up, Housing and Communities launched a pilot, delivered by Homes England, for a new building safety scheme to provide funding for essential cladding fire safety repairs on 11-18m buildings to protect leaseholders and residents. The pilot will welcome applications from a number of buildings across England which are within the 11-18m height range and have interim measures in place.
The medium-rise scheme will open to other buildings next year, with more details on eligibility and the application process due to be announced in 2023.
Building owners not involved in the pilot will still be able to contribute ahead of the wider rollout by providing information about their building through an online ‘Tell Us’ tool.
See here for more information.
Condition Improvement Fund (CIF) 2023/24
Eligible academies, sixth-form colleges and voluntary-aided (VA) schools can apply for capital funding in an annual bidding round.
The priority for the Department for Education in administering the fund is to address significant condition needs – that is, keeping education providers’ buildings safe and in good working order. This includes funding projects that address health and safety issues, building compliance and buildings in poor condition. The fund also supports a small number of expansion projects. Can’t find a deadline, so have kept in.
See here for more information.
UK Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard coalition launches call for evidence
The team developing the UK’s Net Zero Carbon Buildings Standard (the NZCBS) has launched a call for evidence, to help inform and guide the development of the Standard.
Q&A session on 12th December. Call for evidence completes on the 16th December 2022.
See here for more information.