SPACES – e-news Aug 2018

AGM and Future of SPACES

The Annual General Meeting and Technical Presentation, will be held on Friday 14th September 2018 at Atkins Offices, Euston Tower, 286 Euston Road, London, NW1 3AT. You can download a copy of the agenda.
As per the by-laws the majority of positions on Board are still part way through their period of office, but the following positions are available.

Scrutiny Director – Jackie Lowe (was co-opted onto the board following Mukund Patel’s resignation) has agreed to stand
Marketing and Communication Director.
Membership Director (North) Leslie Morrison is resigning at the AGM.
We thank both Leslie and Mukund for their work for SCALA, SCEME and SPACES.

If you wish to be considered for a position on the board, please could you let Fiona, SPACES Manager know by 17th August 2017 (please include a member to second you) and send a brief biography and what you will bring to the role by 24th August 2017.

At the AGM we will be discussing the future of SPACES. Please see the Discussion Paper. If you wish to give any feedback, please contact Fiona, who will forward your enquiry to the relevant person.

We are always keen to hear from those that wish to join the Directors (hub coordinators, heads of profession, etc) and if this is of interest, please contact us. We need a range of volunteers for example:

  • members who can spare just three to four hours a year to support an event,
  • members who could host a regional meeting once a year,
  • members who would be prepared to organise a speaker for a regional/national event
  • members who could visit a shortlisted project for civic building of the year.

President’s Dinner and Awards

The SPACES President’s Dinner and Annual Awards will be held on Thursday 11th October 2018 at the Hilton Cambridge City Centre, 20 Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3DT.
The evening commences at 6.45pm with a pre-dinner drinks reception, and the dinner is at 7.30pm. The dress code is formal (optional).

During the evening there will be a raffle in support of the President’s Charity.

Ticket prices

Members £75+VAT

Non Members £100+VAT

Table (8) £750+VAT

To book your tickets please see the event page on our website (tickets will be available from the 16th April 2018).

Hotel accommodation is flexible. A special rate of 10% off the published price at the Hilton Cambridge City Centre, and rooms can be booked from our website.

Yearbook and Civic Building of the Year Awards 2018

The shortlist for the Civic Building of the Year Awards 2018 has been announced. For a complete list including those that have been shortlisted for the yearbook, please our see website.

The yearbook goes to every local authority in the country. With prices from £500(+VAT) for a quarter page advert, if your company is interested in advertising, please contact SPACES Awards.

Young Visionary Award – closed for nominations

Nominations are now closed, and a shortlist will be available shortly.

The Award will be presented at our Annual President’s Dinner and Awards Ceremony being held in Cambridge on the 11th October.

Upcoming SPACES Meetings

AGM and Technical Meeting – Friday 14th September, London

Prior to the AGM there will be a technical meeting with the following presentations:

New BB101 Launch (Richard Daniels, EFA),
Soft Landings (Michael Chater, Hampshire County Council), and
SEN Schools (Mark Pratt, MACE) tbc.
NB this is a members event only

Midlands Hub Meeting – Friday 2nd November, Birmingham

Topics to include

Vince Jubb, EFA is giving an update on their Condition Survey programme,
Richard Daniels, EFA will be giving a presentation on the soon to be launched BB101 – ventilation, and
PAGABO will be presenting on their Framework and some of the innovation therein.
If you are interested in attending, please complete tickets on our website. If you would like to know anymore please email Nick Jakes.

Other Events

ACES Conference 2018 – Income Generation and Revenue Reduction in the Public Sector

20 September – 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Cambridge.

The Association of Chief Estates Surveyors and Property Managers in the Public Sector, ACES, are holding their national conference in Cambridge on the topic of Income Generation and Revenue Reduction in the Public Sector. For more information, please see their website.

(NB this is not a SPACES organised event).

Social Media

You can find up to date news on SPACES and its events at the following locations:

Website –
LinkedIn –
Twitter –

Technical Information

Study Day 2018 – Collaboration, Manchester

You can still download copies of The SPACES Study Day held on Friday 15th June 2018 from our website.

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Office Availability

During the summer typically someone will be available in the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. There will not be anyone available Wednesday 29th August to Wednesday 5th September.

ACA Meetings and news

Information on ACA events can be found on the website or email , please email Shona Broughton.