SPACES AGM: Calling Notice – Thursday 20th October 2022 1-2pm

It is a requirement of the SPACES By-Laws that an Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held each year.

This year the AGM will be held online on Thursday 20th October 2022 from 1pm to 2pm (NB The AGM should not last longer than 30 minutes). You can download a copy of the agenda and last year’s minutes.

All members who are registered members on 2nd September 2022 and at the AGM can attend, with private or public members entitled to vote.

If you wish to attend or send your apologies, please register on the SPACES website. NB Registration will close at midday on Wednesday 19th October 2022, to allow time to send the joining instructions out.

The following positions are available:

  • Director of Finance – Andrew Rowe has agreed to restand
  • Advisor: Marketing and Communication (2 year term) – Position Vacant – Nominations requested and will be voted for during the AGM
  • Advisor: Membership (2 year term) – Position Vacant – Nominations requested and will be voted for during the AGM
  • Head of Profession – Architecture (3 year term) – Nominations requested and this will be ratified at the AGM
  • Head of Profession – Engineering (3 year term) – Nominations requested and this will be ratified at the AGM
  • Head of Profession – Project Management (3 year term) – Nominations requested and this will be ratified at the AGM
  • Head of Profession – Project Management (3 yar term) – Position Vacant – Nominations requested and this will be ratified at the AGM

SPACES are always looking for members to join the board, if you are interested in the roles above or feel there is another way you can be involved, please email Jackie Lowe and Steve Rufus in the first instance.

They will not be running a technical webinar. We have had a number of events over the last few years with many recordings on our YouTube Channel. For more information about SPACES events and activities, please see the events calendar or look at the e-newsletter which is circulated monthly. If you do not receive information on events and activities via the SPACES e-newsletter and would like to please log into your account and change your marketing options.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Fiona. NB Fiona is on annual leave from Friday 26th August to Monday 5th September, please Jackie Lowe, President or Andrew Rowe, Finance Director if urgent.

SPACES Presidents’ dinner, Awards and Yearbook

Spaces Awards dinner header image

Presidents’ Dinner and Awards 2022

Steve Rufus, incoming President and Jackie Lowe, outgoing President of SPACES warmly invite you to the Presidents’ Dinner and Awards, incorporating the Civic Building of the Year on Thursday 3rd November 2022 at the Pentahotel, Oxford Road, Reading, RG1 7RH.

The evening commences at 7:00pm with a pre-dinner drinks reception, with a three course dinner at 7.30pm. Following dinner the winners of the SPACES Awards 2022, including the Civic Building of the Year, will be announced and the 2022 SPACES Yearbook will be unveiled.

The dress code is formal (optional). So it means that Black Tie doesn’t have to be worn (many people use it as an excuse to dress up).

During the evening there will be a raffle in support of the Presidents’ Charity.

Ticket prices are

£90 +VAT – members
£120 +VAT – non members

For more information and to book your tickets please see our website. NB Tickets are available up to 17th October 2022


Following national submissions for projects which have received an element of public funding a yearbook is produced with the best of UK Construction Projects. The yearbook is circulated to every Local Authority, Local Authority Property and Education Departments, SPACES members as well as other Public Sector Organisations.

Our yearbook offers a great opportunity for your company to show its involvement in UK Public Sector Construction by advertising.

Advertising costs are:

  • £460 +VAT per quarter page advert, including hyperlink to your company’s website.
  • £800 +VAT per half a page advert, including hyperlink to your company’s website.
  • £1,150 +VAT per full page advert, including hyperlink to your company’s website.
  • £150 +VAT we can add hyperlink from your project’s page your to project website, case study or video.
  • £1200 +VAT we can include a one page article in the yearbook.

You can download the advert specification here. To book your advert etc, please see our website, the deadline is 16th September 2022, with the final deadline for SPACES to receive your advert 23rd September 2022. 

If you wish to also attend the Presidents’ Dinner and Awards we have the following options. Please book on our website.

  • 4 places at Dinner and Awards Ceremony + Quarter Page advert – £780 +VAT (members) or £900 +VAT (non-members)
  • 8 places at Dinner and Awards Ceremony + Half Page advert – £1480 (members) or £1700 +VAT (non-members)


Sponsor an Award

Show your support to Public Sector Construction by sponsoring an award at this years’ Presidents’ Dinner and Awards . Based upon submissions to the annual yearbook, a short list is made of those projects that are eligible to enter the SPACES Awards (incorporating the Civic Building of the Year Awards). A shortlist of projects for the awards can be found here.

You can sponsor an award for:
£1000 +VAT – Civic Building of the Year
£750 +VAT – other category of awards (eg Education, Heritage)

Sponsoring an award gives you two places at the Presidents’ Dinner and a mention in our yearbook. For more information and to discuss, please email Andrew Rowe, Finance Director.

SPACES Schools and Ventilation Webinar

Net Zero 20th July webinar
Register Here

It’s not over – ongoing webinars

Schools and Ventilation

1:00pm on Wednesday 20th July 2022
As part of our ongoing series of webinars related to our Study Day, Net Zero Carbon – Building Resilience Hershil Patel, DfE and Henry Burridge, Imperial College will be presenting on Schools and Ventilation. This session will be hosted by Steve Rufus, Vice-President and Head of Profession, Engineering, of SPACES.

Hershil Patel, is an Engineer and Head of Energy at the Department for Education. His role is to address the climate change in the educational estates through reducing actual carbon emission in the educational estate and assessing the long term impact of climate change in the estate.

Henry Burridge is a Senior Lecturer in the Fluid Mechanics section in the department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Imperial College London. Henry co-leads the Low-Energy Ventilation Network which was funded by the EPSRC via the UK Fluids Network as a Special Interest Group, is a Co-Investigator for the Tackling Air Pollution At Schools (TAPAS) network and the Future Urban Ventilation Network (FUVN): the Breathing City (both funded under the NERC funded SPF Clean Air Programme). In response to the pandemic, he was ventilation lead within Task 7 of the Royal Society’s ‘Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic (RAMP)’ and is the ventilation lead for the COVID-19 National Core Studies (NCS) programme PROTECT funded by the HSE to manage transmission in workplaces.

He is a Co-Investigator on the EPSRC funded project CO-TRACE investigating COVID-19 transmission in schools and he led the formation of CoSchools in order to ensure long-term benefits for staff and pupils from investments driven by the desire to reduce COVID transmission in schools. Henry is joint Principal-Investigator of the Department for Education’s pilot project investigating the ‘Changes In the Ventilation Of Schools when monitoring CO2 (CIVOS-CO2)’ which has received funding from the Department of Health and Social Care.

Henry is Principal-Investigator of the SAMHE (Sammy) ‘School Air quality Monitoring for Health and Education’ project which seeks to establish air quality monitoring in around 2,000 UK schools via teacher and pupil engagement. He was an invited author on the SAGE EMG paper ‘Role of ventilation in controlling SARS-CoV-2 transmission’ and the SAGE EMG & SPI-B paper ‘Application of CO2 monitoring as an approach to managing ventilation to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 transmission’.

The webinar is hosted on webinarjam and you must register to attend event here. For further information see our Calendar

Don’t forget, please help us to plan future events by completing the feedback survey about the study day. 

As part of the study day we a virtual delegate pack, which contains information about the day, slides (where permitted), summer/autumn programme of webinars and other information. NB This will be updated. Videos will be made available on YouTube during August. 

Once again thank you to our sponsors  AtkinsBauder RoofingFaithful+GouldNorse ConsultingPick Everard and Willmott Dixon


Upcoming Events

“101 Great Women” event

Last week our President, Kathryn Ladley, was given the opportunity to speak at an event organised jointly by the School of Architecture and Built Environment at the University of Wolverhampton and Quantity Surveyors International (QSi).  The event was one in a series on the theme of “101 Great Women” and Kathryn was able to talk about her 50 years in the Construction Industry and how she came to be a Quantity Surveyor. 

Kathryn says it was a very moving and inspirational evening which she thoroughly enjoyed and was happy to be able to promote SCQS at the same time.

Kathryn Ladley at 101 Great Women event

Kathryn's powerpoint slide

Group photo from 101 Great Women event

June Paul Kathryn Suzanne

June Paul Kathryn Suzanne 2

Upcoming SPACES events – June 2022

Integration of heat pumps in existing buildings

Friday 10th June 2022 @12:00pm

Hosted by Steve Rufus, Vice-President and Head of Profession, Engineering, SPACES, Beata Blachut and Jonathon Hunter-Hill, SAV Systems will be presenting on Integration of heat pumps in existing buildings.

The presentation aims to give attendees a basic understanding of heat pumps, discussing in detail how they operate, and what factors attendees should consider as the government pushes local authorities to replace gas boilers with heat pumps.

What issues does the CPD cover?

  • How heat pumps operate, including the components within heat pumps
  • Space requirements for heat pumps
  • How COP can be calculated, and what impacts the COP of heat pumps
  • The cost and efficiency associated with operating a heat pump at different temperatures
  • Understanding SCOP
  • Understand other factors affecting heat pumps, including
    • Operating temperatures
    • Domestic hot water
    • Constant and variable volume systems
  • How hybrid plant rooms can increase heat pump efficiency
  • The costs associated with hybrid plant rooms

It will also aim to address frequently asked questions from SPACES members, such as the high cost of operating heat pumps in comparison to traditional schemes, space considerations for operation and maintenance, reducing heat load in existing buildings, and combining heat pumps with other renewable technologies.

Beata Blachut: Head of Strategic Business Development – Technical, is an enthusiastic energy specialist with in-depth practical knowledge in the field of renewable energy, low carbon technologies, heat networks and climate change. A wide range of expertise centred upon the design and operation of heat networks (with focus on energy centres with CHPs, heat pumps and electric boilers; variable volume systems, HIUs, metering and monitoring). Active member of industry associations and advice groups with insight into energy policy. Contributor to CIBSE Heat Networks Design Guide. Frequently participating in conferences and trade fairs in Denmark, Germany, and Italy. Working within the UK Building Services sector for last 15 years.  
Jonathon Hunter Hill: Sector Manager – Education is a passionate advocate for MVHR, Jonathon is the Product Manager for AirMaster decentralized MVHR and Energi Raven, with a wider emphasis on improving energy efficiency in schools to meet our Net Zero goals. Jonathon has worked with many local authorities over the years. With an existing relationship to The City of Edinburgh Council, in April 2021, he secured Passivhaus Component Certification for one of AirMaster’s MVHR units. Following university, Jonathon joined SAV Systems and has worked there for the past 9 years.

The webinar is hosted on webinarjam and you can register to attend for free here

SPACES Study Day Net Zero Carbon – Building Resilience

Thursday 23rd June 2022

Net Zero Carbon Building Resilience 23rd June 2022

Tickets are now available!

With just over two weeks to go, don’t forget to book your tickets for the SPACES National Study Day. on Thursday 23rd June 2022 at De Montfort University.

This year’s theme is Net Zero Carbon – Building Resilience. It is the biggest challenge we’ve ever faced, and if ever there was a time to pull together, share knowledge, experiences and network it must be now. As always, we will be offering a variety of sessions looking at what others are doing on their Net Zero Carbon (NZC) journey.

Our Keynote is Lord Rupert Redesdale, Member of the House of Lords, and the Founder of the Energy Managers Association (EMA), Carbon Management Association (CMA) and Low Energy Company (LEC).

Also on the main stage Patrick Brown, Head of Sustainable Construction Delivery, Edinburgh City Council will be presenting on Edinburgh City’s continuing journey to Zero Carbon.

The afternoon will close with an interactive roundtable discussion, facilitated by Alex Gee, Norse Consulting.

As normal interspersed throughout the day we will have a wide range of presentations, workshops and case studies including:

  • Building and living in a passivhaus – John Thornberry, Pick Everard
  • Creating a low carbon skills economy – Marina Robertson, Norse Group
  • Decarbonisation, net zero and funding sources – David Gilbey or Mark Postill, Faithful+Gould
  • Decarbonising heating and use of heat pumps – Dr Andrew Wright and Prof Raffaella Villa, DMU
  • Identifying energy and carbon savings in flat roof refurbishment projects – Tom Raftery, Product manager – Solar PV / Environment Lead, Bauder Roofing
  • MMC and achieving low carbon outcomes – Raynee De Zoysa, Strategic Growth Manager, Collida
  • Radically reducing operational energy: Harris Academy Sutton – Christian Dimbleby, Associate, Architect & Chartered Engineer, Architype
  • Schools and ventilation – Hershil Patel, Head of Energy, Department for Education and Henry Burridge, Senior Lecturer in Fluid Mechanics, Imperial College.

With more to be announced.

There will be lots of opportunities to network both during the day and the evening before.  

Thank you to our sponsors are AtkinsBauder RoofingFaithful+GouldNorse Group and Willmott Dixon

The programme and times are available here

Tickets are now available on our website:

  • LA/Gov Ticket (with a email address) – £100+VAT  (£120)
  • Member Ticket – £125+VAT (£150)
  • Retired Member Ticket – £50+VAT (£60)
  • Non member Ticket – £250+VAT (£300)
  • DMU Staff and Students (with a email address – limited number available) are free

The evening before there will be informal dinner, drinks and networking at Wygstons House sponsored by Concertus Design and Property Consultants. Tickets are now available on our website.

  • LA/Gov/Retired Member Ticket – £20+VAT (£24)
  • Member Ticket – £25+VAT (£30)
  • Non-Member Ticket – £30+VAT (£36)

Find out more and book your tickets
Check out last year’s Virtual Conference